What is a romantic question? Well that’s a question in itself to start with so you could start by asking your partner that one….it could be interesting to see what answers you get and you can ask yourself the same question. Some would say any question can be romantic if it’s asked when there’s a loving intent behind it and you can feel the compassion and genuine interest in the way it is asked. Whatever you think it’s important to know that there is no such thing as a dumb question whether it’s romantic or not. I think there’s an old Chinese proverb that’s goes…
The only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask. If you have not already realised it the future success of your relationship with your partner is too a large extent dependant on how well you know eachother.
How do you get to know someone? Well, perhaps obviously, by talking to them. But it doesn't stop there. It is no good just talking innocently about the weather or what's on TV. In order to get to know your partner you have to by inquisitive and ask the type of questions that will be stimulating, revealing and at times surprising....for both of you.
Most relationships fail due to incompatibility and communication breakdown. Well if you can ask yourself and your partner some fundamental questions and really get to know and understand eachother, think about how this is going to help prevent failure from happening....it is your future...so shouldn't you be making every effort to make sure it runs as smoothly and as happily as possible?
So what are the types of questions to ask? Well for starters how about:
"What do you want to do with the rest of your life?"
That question is going to provoke quite a lot of thought and hopefully reveal how much you and your partner have thought about and planned your futures. There's a popular quote concerning the future that is worth remembering, it goes...
"....if you are failing to plan, then you are planning to fail...."
Think about it. The future doesn't just happen by accident. By asking this you will get the opportunity to assess how far you have come in life, where you are going if you carry on as you are and redirect yourself if you don’t like some of the answers you both get. You can help eachother especially if you need some encouragement and motivation with any outstanding ambitions, for example.
You will also get some idea about whether you both plan to marry (if single) and if children are planned somewhere in your life.
“What were your ambitions when you were younger?”
That question could be quite fun as when we are younger we seem to have had much less limiting thoughts about who we were and what was possible. If you haven’t achieved some of these ambitions of your youth, ask yourself why not?
Here’s another question for you and your partner….
“if you were reading a book, and it could be a novel, that featured the story of your life, how would you like it describe you, your love life and you as a lover and romantic?
“Would the book describe you as a success?”
“What would you have to do differently, if anything, for you to be successful in your love life and long term relationship?