Nowadays, it seems more and more people are doing it anyway; dating a coworker they'll have to see everyday.
So if you're attracted to the office cutie, Yahoo! gives us the do's and don'ts of dating in the workplace.
Know HR Policy
Human Resources policy when it comes to inter-office romances can be different from company to company; some allow it, others don't.
Make sure you know your company's guidelines before you start seeing that special co-worker; your job may depend on it.
Be Open About It
No one likes a liar, so you may as well be open about your relationship with a coworker. You're not fooling anyone with your 'secret' romance, because office gossip runs as rampant as high school gossip.
Let your human resources department know about the relationship, and casually give your coworkers the low down on what's happening. Don't let lies and secrecy ruin your reputation.
Avoid Romantic Emails
Save the lovey-dovey stuff for outside of work. Most company email policies state that your email is not private, so anything you say can and will be seen by others.
If you're planning on writing an 'e-love-letter' anyway, ask yourself this: “Will I be embarrassed if this email is made public?”
Keep It Professional
Remember you are at work, not on a hot date. Keep things professional around the office by avoiding pet names for your sweetie and avoiding special treatment.
Once again, remember you are at work. You have things to do; don't devote all your time to your crush.
Be the Bigger Person
If things don't work out, be the bigger person. You still have to see each other everyday; unless you're planning on a new career.
Keep things easy-breezy by taking the highroad. Don't resort to childish behavior. It will go a long way with your peers.
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