Here are the steps to attract the right christian date for you:
1. Pray to God. If you want God to guide you in finding the right one, you have to pray for it. You should believe that He answers all our prayers, that He will help you also in meeting the right person. Don’t be frustrated if nothing seems to happen. It takes time so you don’t need to lose hope about it. Just wait for the right time to come. For now, enjoy life while you are single.
2. Love and Accept Yourself. You should love and accept yourself. Before others can love and accept you for who you are, you must love and accept yourself first. Right? If you love and accept yourself, you will increase your self-esteem and possibly for opposite sex to be attracted to you.
3. Show the Real You. Don’t be hesitant in showing the real you. For others to accept you, you must show the real. Don’t pretend for someone you are not. Of course, you want them to love you for who you are. You don’t need to lie in your profile. What for? You will just put yourself into trouble and prevent the possibility of a good relationship to develop.
4. Set your Expectations. Write down the qualities you are looking for in a person. Your friends and family can help you with this. You should be realistic finding the right person. Don’t worry too much if you still can’t find someone good enough for you. There’s nothing wrong with being single. No need to rush.
5. Face Rejection and Failure with Open Arms. Don’t be afraid to face rejections and failures. You just have to trust God and this will be easy for you. Sometimes you have to face a lot of things before you receive the right package. Sometimes you have to fail and be rejected to stand on your own. This will make you stronger. Your fears will be gone if you only trust God. Don’t be disappointed if you experience rejection in a blind date, courtship or relationship. You still have many reasons to celebrate life without Christian Dating.
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